Modular homes in Asturias

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Asbestos, also known as asbestos, is a group of naturally-occurring fibrous minerals mainly composed of silicates of magnesium. These minerals have unique physical and chemical properties, as resistance the heat, isolation electrical and chemical, and high resistance to traction.

How are people exposed to asbestos?

If products containing asbestos are disturbed, is released outdoor fibers small asbestos. When inhaled, asbestos fibers, these can remain in the lungs and remain there for a long time. Over time, asbestos fibers accumulated can cause inflammation and scarring of the tissue, which can affect breathing and cause serious health problems.

In the air, the water and the soil there are low levels of asbestos fibers. However, most people don't get sick because of this kind of exposure. In general, the people who are sick are those who have had frequent exposure to asbestosoften in his work by direct contact with the material or by considerable exposure in the environment.

The majority of the exhibits are more serious asbestos have happened in the past. The exhibitions more serious in the present tend to happen in the construction industry and in the repair of ships, in particular when mined asbestos material for renovations, repair, or demolition. It is possible that the exposure of workers also occur during the manufacture of products containing asbestos, such as textiles, friction, insulation and other building materials.

This is what it would look like the fiber of asbestos.

Roof built with asbestos material.

Inhaling asbestos fibers may lead to difficulty in breathing, lung cancer, or mesothelioma (another form of cancer associated with exposure to asbestos). These diseases usually appear many years after the initial exposure to asbestos and, therefore, it is unlikely to occur in children.

What are the cancers related to asbestos exposure?

How can I avoid exposure to asbestos?

If there is the possibility being exposed to asbestos in your workplace, for example, in the renovation of old buildings, you must use the proper protective equipment, as well as to follow the work practices and the proper safety procedures to work around asbestos

Click on the image for more info.

Click on the image for more info.

Our team highly trained experts features certification necessary to carry out efficiently and responsible for the removal of any material that contains asbestos in your home. We work in close collaboration with the regulations and guidelines set to ensure a procedure secure and without risks to all occupants.

What is the certification for asbestos removal?

Any company who remove asbestos, it must be registered in the RERAin the REA and have the certificate of transport of dangerous substances. Any type of manipulation of this material it has to be carried out by a specialist company, approved and authorized.

Why is it necessary approval for the removal of asbestos?

If a company does not have the approval necessary to remove asbestos can put in risk your health and of those that are around you, because the particles of asbestos travel through the air. In addition, tall workers who handle asbestos at any point in your process removal, are required to pass regular medical checks to verify your state of health. Also, all workers are informed of the hazards involved in their work.

Images of Eco-modular removing asbestos

Images of Eco-modular removing asbestos

Our work

Here we will show you some of our works of asbestos most recent.

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